About Master Prince

From a very young age I had a desire for spiritual study. I also aspired to be a doctor, so that I could serve and heal many family members and loved ones. I visited many holy places, temples and the Himalayas in search of truth and healing abilities. I met many Gurujis, Holy Saints and Rishis who guided me on my spiritual journey. I realized from a very young age that I had healing powers but didn’t know how to use them.

After graduating with a Commerce degree, I joined the family business of fast foods and continued in this business until 2009.

I have studied many different healing modalities since 1990, when I learned Divine Healing from Indian Yogi Master Dr. R. C. Shah, who was a disciple of Maha Avatar Babaji. Then I learned Reiki in 1992, Pranic Healing in 1994, Crystal Healing, Pyramid Healing, Theta Healing, Quantum Touch Healing, Silva Mind Control and many more.

From a very young age my father inspired me to always serve unconditionally. I started serving at the Sikh temples, and then later I served at orphanages and old age homes, which I have continued to do for many years. My family and friends would visit these places with me once a month. We would offer emotional support, help them with medications and food, have small parties with the kids and celebrate many festivals like Christmas and Diwali.

I have been a professional Energy healer for many years. I also knew very well how to heal the mind and body. For many years, with the help of the Divine, I have been instrumental in healing many incurable diseases. I give full credit to the Divine. Still, some of my clients were not getting completely healed, or they would return after a few months with the same issues. I knew a person’s karma was the cause of all sickness, but I did not know how to resolve it.

I met Master Sha in April 2011 at a Free Soul Healing Evening in Mumbai. Seeing and hearing Master Sha really moved my heart. I realized from my heart that I finally found my most profound Master Healer.

When I read Master Sha’s book The Power of Soul, I was so inspired by Master Sha’s teachings because I realized that what I had craved for more than twenty years to learn from Rishis and Holy Saints, here Master Sha was openly sharing the profound soul secrets, soul wisdom, soul teachings, soul knowledge and key practices to all of humanity.

I immediately enrolled for all of Master Sha’s workshops and vowed to Master Sha to devote my entire life to Soul Healing.

For so many years I was baking my cake by learning different healing modalities. Soul Healing is the Icing on the cake and much, much more. Now my cake is complete.


  1. Dear Master Prince
    It is very inspiring to read about your life and service. Thank you for your incredible service and your presence on earth as a desciple of Master Sha. I am so touched to read about you and your healing journey. I hope to be in your presence one day. CBD CBD CBD

  2. Dear Avi Sangha, Thank you for removing your precious time to read about me and also post a beautiful comment, Love and Blessings,,, Master Prince

  3. Hello Master Prince,
    I recently saw one of your videos about soul healing and came to know about Master Sha. I also want to use these divine healing techniques for curing my present ailment. But I am in US. What is the best way to do it

  4. Dear Master Prince,
    I have seen your Videos and admired so that bought soul healing book from amazon practiced soul mind body cleansing myself and started treatment along with my psychic surgery for depression and anxiety girl She recovered quickly by yours Master Sha and my master Dr Uday Sha.

    I am Thankfull to your mission.

